
Founded in 2007, the MANHATTAN WIND ENSEMBLE allows for professional and semi-
professional musicians in the New York City area to perform and expand the wind band
literature, and engage with audiences. Throughout its history, the ensemble has
commissioned works from various composers, featured international guest conductors, and
performed several world premieres.

Under the direction of its Music Director, Sarah Fernandez, the Manhattan Wind Ensemble
rehearses weekly and holds concerts in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of each year.

Manhattan Wind Ensemble, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. 

Musical Director Sarah Fernandez

Sarah Fernández has been teaching music through a wide variety of mediums for over a decade. A native of the California Central Valley, she currently lives on Long Island and has been teaching preK-12 general music and chorus there since 2012. Presently, Fernández is Choral Director and General Music Teacher at Forest Road Elementary School and Shaw Avenue Elementary School in Valley Stream UFSD #30 in Nassau County. From 2018-2024, she served as Chairperson for the NMEA Division II Chorus. She is an active pianist, clarinetist, guest conductor and clinician in the greater New York City area.She received her Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education at the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music in Stockton, California and her Master of Arts degree in Music Education at Teachers College at Columbia University. Fernández has performed at internationally prestigious institutions such as the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, IL, the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE), Beijing Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Boston Symphony Hall, Lincoln Center & Carnegie Hall. She made her podium debut in Stockton conducting the the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, the University of the Pacific Wind Ensemble, student recitals and composition premieres during her undergraduate study. This was followed by a 3-year period as Guest Conductor then Assistant Director of the Columbia University Wind Ensemble. For many summers, Fernández worked with the Columbia Summer Winds as Associate Conductor with colleagues Dr. Andy Pease and Dr. William Tonissen as well as collaborated with composers such as Michael Markowski and Jim Territo.Outside of MWE, Fernández is the Nassau County Representative for NYSBDA (New York State Band Directors Association) and has presented at conferences and symposiums on Programming Utilizing Technology and Arts Integration in Schools. She holds active memberships in NAfME, WBDI, NMEA, CBDNA and ACB. Fernández is also Music Director and Conductor of the Band of Long Island, a community concert band based in central Long Island. Both MWE and BOLI actively promote and support new works for wind band via commissions and consortiums as well as collaborations with guest conductors, clinicians, performers and composers. Most recently, MWE performed at the Instrumental Music Festival at Boston’s Symphony Hall. Conducting mentors through collegiate studies and symposiums include Dr. Mallory Thompson, Jerry Junkin, Kevin Sedatole, Dr. Emily Threinen, Richard Floyd, Dr. Robert Halseth, and her dearest mentor, the late Dr. Eric Hammer.

Associate Conductor Scott Byers

Scott Byers is a passionate educator, conductor, and performer based in the greater
New York Area. Currently serving as the Band Director at New Rochelle High School, Scott conducts the Symphonic
Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and leads a comprehensive before-school chamber music program.
Previously, he held positions as Associate Band Director at Wayne Valley High School in New Jersey and
Band Director at Merrick Avenue Middle School on Long Island. As an educator, ensembles under his
direction consistently receive top ratings of “Gold” and “Gold with Distinction” at state assessment festivals.

Scott holds an undergraduate degree in Music Education and Saxophone Performance from Ithaca
College, where he studied saxophone with Steven Mauk. He also earned a Master’s degree in Wind
Conducting from Montclair State University, studying under Thomas McCauley. At Montclair State
University, he served as an assistant conductor to the MSU Wind Symphony, frequently conducting in
rehearsals and performances. He also performed with the group at the WASBE Conference in Prague,
with additional appearances in Vienna and Munich. As a graduate student, Scott presented multiple
chamber music recitals, conducting a variety of ensembles with repertoire spanning different historical periods.

Scott currently serves as Associate Conductor of the Manhattan Wind Ensemble, a high caliber
community band dedicated to promoting new works for wind bands throughout New York City. He has
performed as a saxophonist with the Brooklyn Wind Symphony, Long Island Wind Ensemble, and Ithaca
College Wind Ensemble. As a conductor, Scott has been selected to participate in conducting
symposiums at Georgia State University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Maryland,
and Montclair State University. Scott holds active memberships in College Band Directors National
Association (CBDNA), New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA), Westchester County School
Music Association (WCSMA) and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).

About the Board of Directors and Management of MWE

The Board of Directors of Manhattan Wind Ensemble, Inc. is responsible for organizing and
managing the operating budget and long-term goals of the ensemble. The ensemble is an
entirely volunteer organization, funded by dues paid by each member of the ensemble,
generous corporate donorship, and through public funds from Creative Engagement, a
grant supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with
the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts, as administered by the Lower
Manhattan Cultural Council.

The 2024-2025 Board of Directors

Executive Board
Michael Jones, President
Andie Cohn, Vice President
Max Scheiber, Treasurer
Nikhil Baliga, Secretary

Dawn Barrett, Librarian
Monica Karpuk, Productions Manager
Will Link, Personnel Manager

Members at Large
Jasper Scheiber
Greg Shatan
Brian Spund
Dahlia Weinger
Carly Weinreb

Joining the Manhattan Wind Ensemble
The MWE welcomes a variety of interested and talented individuals to join the ensemble.
We are interested in auditioning top musicians and to speaking with those interested in
joining our Board or any of our ad hoc committees. For auditions or Board inquiries, please
contact info@manhattanwindensemble.com.

MWE Logo

The new MWE logo, adopted by the group in 2018, was created by Cindy Seunarine.